Camadeva en el Webinar "My Practical Life During COVID-19 Pandemic"

Camadeva en el Webinar "My Practical Life During COVID-19 Pandemic"

El Dr. Lledó será ponente en el Webinar "My Practical Life During COVID-19 Pandemic, When the doctor becomes the patient".

Este webinar contará además con la presencia como moderador del Prof. Dr. Saleh Binsaleh (MD, FRCSC When the doctor becomes the patient Professor of Surgery, Consultant Urologist and Andrologist, Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University, Head of Saudi society of men’s health) y como ponente del Prof. Dr. John P. Mulhall (MD Director of Male Sexual and Reproductive Medicine Program - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,  Chief editor for the Journal of Sexual Medicine-USA)

El evento tendrá lugar el Sábado 18 de Abril de 2020 a las 08:00 PM (hora en Arabia Saudita).